When visiting this website and performing actions on it, as well as when interacting with our social media accounts, the controller of your personal data is "Hidden Gems" SIA, registration number: 40203541493.

contact information

Phone: 25324676

E-mail: hiddengems.info.lv@gmail.com

What is the scope of Hidden Gems?

Hidden Gems is engaged in the retail trade of various goods in Latvia and on the market of European countries



Hidden Gems collects information that individuals provide when contacting us. For example, when you send us an e-mail, the information contained in the e-mail message is collected: e-mail address and telephone, content of the correspondence, as well as name and surname.

Billing data

When we provide you with a service, your e-mail address, phone number, first and last name, as well as payment data are collected.


Your data is processed only if there is a specific purpose and legal basis for processing it. Hidden Gems data processing is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and Latvian laws and regulations

Providing communications, collecting and processing requests. When we contact you to answer your questions, the basis for data processing is our legitimate interests.

Provision of the Service. If you purchase goods offered by Hidden Gems, in this case the legal basis for data processing is the contract concluded between you and Hidden Gems.


Personal data is stored until the specified purpose of processing is achieved. Typically, we store personal data for 1 year from its acquisition, unless the requirements of regulatory acts provide for a longer storage period. Once the retention period of personal data has ended, it is permanently deleted in a secure manner. Personal data is not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area.

We may transfer data to third parties who provide technical support to us and with whom we have concluded a proper contract, as well as to law enforcement and supervisory authorities upon their motivated request and to the extent necessary for the performance of their functions.


Cookies are small text files that are sent to a user's computer or mobile device during a visit to a website and stored by the website on the user's computer or mobile device when the user accesses the website. Cookies act as a memory for a specific website, allowing this website to remember the user's computer or mobile device on subsequent visits, including cookies that can remember the user's settings or make the use of the website more convenient. Cookies are stored for 8 months from the time you last visited our website. You can delete cookies at any time using the settings of your internet browser.


Hidden Gems collects functionality cookies that store the language used by the user. The legal basis for placing such cookies is our legitimate interests.


Right to information

You can ask us to do the following:

  • confirm whether we are processing your personal data;
  • provide you with a copy of this data;
  • provide you with other information about your personal data, such as what data we hold, what we use it for, who we disclose it to, whether we transfer it abroad and how we protect it, how long we store it, what your rights are , how you can file a complaint, where we obtained your data, to the extent that such information is not already provided to you in this privacy policy.

Right to correct

You can ask us to correct inaccurate personal data.

The right to delete

You can ask us to delete your personal data, but only if:

  • they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected; or
  • You have withdrawn your consent (if data processing was based on consent); or
  • they have been processed unlawfully; or
  • to comply with a legal obligation applicable to us.

We do not have to comply with your request to delete your personal data if the processing of your personal data is necessary to

  • fulfill a legal obligation;
  • bring, exercise or defend legal claims.

Restriction of data processing

You can ask us to restrict (retain but not use) your personal data, but only if:

  • their accuracy is challenged to allow us to verify their accuracy; or
  • the processing is illegal, but you do not want to delete them; or
  • they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected, but we still need them to bring, fulfill or defend legal claims; or
  • You have exercised your right to object and the examination of the primary grounds for data processing is ongoing.

We may continue to use your personal data following a restriction request if:

  • we have your consent; or
  • to bring, exercise or defend legal claims; or
  • to protect the rights of another natural or legal person.

Right to portability

You can ask us to provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, or ask us to "transfer" it directly to another data controller of your choice, but in each case only if:

  • processing is based on your consent or the fulfillment of a contract concluded with you; and
  • processing is carried out by automated means.

The right to portability includes only the data you provide.

The right objects

You can object to the processing of your personal data based on "legitimate interests" if you believe that your fundamental rights and freedoms are more important than our legitimate interests.

When you have objected, we have the opportunity to demonstrate that we have significant legitimate interests that override your rights and freedoms.

Exercising your rights is free of charge. However, if your request for access to information is unreasonable or excessive, we have the right to charge a reasonable amount according to the circumstances, based on administrative expenses. We will inform you of any costs before fulfilling your request.

Hidden Gems reserves the right to ask you to prove your identity if you make a request to exercise any of the rights described here.

Providing an answer

You have the right to submit a request to us about your personal data. We will reply within one month of receiving it. However, if the requests are particularly complicated or if you have submitted several requests, this period can be extended up to three months. We will inform you if it takes more than one month for a response.

The right to appeal to the supervisory authority

If you have concerns about the legality of your data processing, you have the right to contact the supervisory authority - Data State Inspectorate, pasts@dvi.gov.lv, address: Elijas iela 17, Riga, LV-1050.